The Social flow writer's

Premium ghostwriting service

For founders, CEOs, coaches, consultants:

  • Build your social presence

  • Share your expertise online

Leads and clients come to you (no need for you to write).

Reactions to my writing:

Note: Client names withheld due to confidentiality. Get in touch with me for more details.

1 client problem I’ve noticed over and over:

I’ve worked with 13+ clients in the past 6 months.I've noticed each founder has treasure in their business and life — stories, insights, advice, failures, successes.These things can solve the market's problems, but the audience never gets to know.Business owners struggle to write in an engaging way, though their knowledge is powerful.As a result, the stories die an anonymous death i.e. 0 attention, 0 new business opportunities.

Money alone won't buy you the right kind of attention:

Paid ads are, well, paid.When it comes to personal expertise, organic writing is your most powerful way to get the eyeballs that matter.It's the perfect base for founder-led sales.If you’re reading this, you know how important it is to have a strong online social presence.You have experiences and valuable insights, but you also need to convert it into new income opportunities.For that, you need:- Positioning that lets you cut the clutter- Clear writing around your target audience’s pains- Platform-specific daily steps to get the right eyeballs

More reactions to my writing:

Note: Client names withheld due to confidentiality. Get in touch with me for more details.

People will either perceive you as low value or high value..

based on how you share your knowledge.The way I approach this — I like to have a clear goal behind each content piece. Without this, you are just shooting in the dark.So if you don't have the time + experience for content creation, let me turn your insights into pin-pointed business content i.e. LinkedIn posts and emails.

Your business needs you. Don't waste your time:

When you’re adding efficiency to your business, it’s wasteful to work on your writing techniques and content strategy!It’s hard to see your business like your audience does because you’re working inside it.I will write your social posts and email sequences for you.My writing will position you as a thought leader and THE expert within your field.I don’t use AI and only work with 3 clients at a time.That’s how you get personalization and quality.

You will have complete clarity on:

  • What parts of your journey to share.

  • How to attract and hold attention.

  • How to win trust and credibility.

How it works (4 steps):

I use a simple system that will make both our lives easy.

Step 1: Discovery chat

We will chat about what you want — your problems, and goals.This is the best way to check if we are a good fit. I will openly share my process with you. Since this call is free, you have nothing to lose.I will write 2 test posts/emails so you get tangible examples of the expected quality.

Step 2: Content call

The next call will be about your content strategy for 30 days. I will ask you specific questions, and your answers will be perfect raw material.

Step 3: Onboarding

Next, I will grant you access to a shared Notion space — the one home for all your post and email content.It keeps things simple even at full content creation speed.I’ll add you to a WhatsApp chat or Slack channel for async coordination.You can send me your ideas and experiences anytime.I will also add a template with brand guidelines for the visuals.

Step 4: You get the drafts

Once a week, I’ll send you the content drafts for the following week based on everything we discussed.You review and comment with suggestions if needed. If it’s good, just approve. I’ll schedule the posting date.

We will revise the overall strategy once in 2-3 months based on your goals.

For on-going services:

  • Social engagement not included

  • Bi-monthly 1 hour calls for content ideas

  • You may discontinue with 15 days' notice

  • Monthly payments are in advance for that month

  • Refunds are pro-rata, basis completed drafts


A quick recap of everything you get:

  • Slack or WhatsApp chat to brainstorm ideas

  • A system and workspace for all your content

  • Content calls with questions and post ideas

  • Content strategy for your specific goals

  • Emails & posts written for you

  • Brand visuals to match

Pricing starts at USD 500 (1-time) or USD 1000/month - based on what you need:

  • 5-day email course (1-time)

  • 10-day sales email sequence (1-time)

  • Social LinkedIn posts - 3x/5x per week

More reactions to my writing:

Note: Client names withheld due to confidentiality. Get in touch with me for more details.

A bit about me..

It was 2019…I'd been working in a tech job for 6ish years.Sales dried up. We were scared about the future.I felt mildly depressed when I checked my savings.I didn’t know the first thing about selling. What's worse, I didn’t know where to start.I recognized sales as a non-negotiable life-skill. So I challenged myself to add a sale.While on the job, I used free online resources and learned how to:1. Write copy
2. Build a landing page
3. Launch it and drive traffic
After 40+ failed attempts and months of self-doubt, I closed my first deal - for a B2B SaaS.$19,000 on a multi-year deal.Not bad for a raw, scrappy effort!I was a little less awful by now, but I fell in love with sales...So much so that I switched to a sales job and sold ed-tech business partnerships. It was like the Wolf of Wall Street kind of sales floor.Within 6 months, they awarded me ‘highest individual revenue earner’ among 475 employees.I reached a stage where I found sales targets tiring and pointless. “How can I do the same thing with less effort and at scale?"So then I switched to a marketing job, and within 2 short years, I rose to Head of Marketing at a healthcare startup.I helped them create their brand identity, systemized their content, and brought in 4,77,77,311+ impressions within 4 months.At that point, my friends got to know about what I was doing.They asked me to help them attract new business opportunities (instead of chasing them).The problem was that all of them had limited budgets. But I wanted to help them and saw an opportunity:Organic writing on social media is the most cost-effective marketing strategy. No need for:1) Big teams
2) Equipment
3) Massive media spends
4) Expensive video production
5) Expensive graphic designers
You also have the fastest time-to-delivery and audience feedback loop.Writing is my favorite part of marketing. This was the perfect situation.I discarded all other marketing things I was doing - and simply stuck to writing.As they say, focus on what you do best.Since then, I've worked with 13+ ghostwriting clients across 6 months (see testimonials).I've packaged my proven skills into this premium ghostwriting service. Leverage my journey to reach your personal brand + business goals.

I share my processes and beliefs in public. Follow me on LinkedIn.